
Sunday 27 February 2011

Idle Hands Are The Devil's Tool

Greetings!  For one day and one day only, this blog has been taken over.  Yes, this is not being written by Emma, but in fact the pink scarf she is wearing.  This post is brought to you from the thrilling departure lounge at Heathrow T5.  For you T5 aficionados, I am now huddled around Emma's neck outside the BA lounge in a draft, killing time as we wait for our flight back to Pisa. It was a mistake of them to let her in there last week because she learnt the password for their free wifi and now she's having a jolly time catching up on everything she missed overnight.

I would like to say that I am the most productive thing Emma has done this week, but that's probably not true.  She has been at a supernova meeting at Caltech in LA.  She was hoping for sun, the opportunity to start on her tan and a week partying in Hollywood.  Instead all she got was torrential rain, the beginnings of a cold and seeing someone who may or may not have been Mercedes from Glee.  Luckily for her, I have been here to keep her warm and cosy on the way home.

You see, I was Emma's conference project.  She likes to have something to do with her hands during the talks as it stops her biting her nails or just wasting hours on the internet not really listening to what's going on.  This is the same reason she likes to listen to audiobooks while she knits.  If she has something to do with her hands, her mind wanders less and she focusses on the sounds around her.  And if someone happens to refer to a graph or something on the screen then it's easy enough to look up, take note and pick up where she left off. This week, she assures me, has been very interesting and productive and not just on the crochet front.  Apparently there was some "pretty excellent sciencing" (her words, not mine) and she ate a lot of Mexican food.

Yes, I am Emma's second crochet project, also known as the Calm Cowl on Ravelry (sorry you have to be a member to see that link).  After a slightly dodgy start when I was totally frogged a couple of weeks ago, Emma has made rapid progress.  Although to be honest, if she can't manage to do single crochet stitches over and over in a circle then I'm not sure what business she has saying that she's taught herself a new skill.  The yarn is a 50% wool 50% acrylic mix called Tweed from Campolmi in Florence.  It's soft and squishy and really nice to work with.  The flecks of bright colour make me look really pretty and stops Emma from looking like she's wearing a blamanche round her neck.

So the moral of this story? Knit or crochet all the time at conferences, because then, even if you begin to wonder what you're doing there, at least you'll have made something nice at the end of it :)

This may or may not have been a product of exhaustion, jetlag and boredom.  And DeadlyKnitshade.  I can only apologise and say that it won't happen again.

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